
Monday, February 17, 2014

My Mantra

This is my mantra. It seems simple, but it's not. It gets tiring to eat right when you see fabulous but fatty food on the television and internet. It's hard to always work hard when you are tired of working out and you don't see progress. When both of the first lines aren't working out you don't feel good. I know because I get to that point a lot. 

I get tired. Tired of cooking homemade meals. Tired of staying active. Tired of making the right choices. Don't we all? Yet I press on. I want to feel good. I want to feel positive about the way I look. I want to know I'm doing the best for my body. I want to be healthy and fit for once in my life. I've heard that happiness is the key to health, but I think it's the other way around. Health is the key to happiness. If you aren't healthy you can't truly be happy because there's always that part of you that knows you aren't feeling good (either mentally, emotionally or physically).

I want to be happy. I have a whole year of plans and projects to get to that goal. I know I'm not going to get there without this key step - Health. It's all encompassing. You have to be healthy - physically, in your relationships, in your career, emotionally, and mentally - in order to be healthy. I want to feel good, so I'm going to eat right and work hard, even when I don't want to. I will feel good.

What's your mantra? How do you motivate yourself, especially when you aren't seeing improvement?

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