
Monday, March 17, 2014

A Beautiful Friendship

The best friendship is the one that blossoms into love. Romance doesn't have to be crazy. Love doesn't have to be instantaneous. You can grow into love and find it in unexpected places. 

I feel so lucky to have known my husband as a friend before we ever were a couple. I know it doesn't and can't always happen that way for everyone, but if it was possible I would recommend it. It's nice to already be comfortable with someone and know the basics (or the not-so-basics) of his/her character before you delve into the deeper relationship areas. 

If you weren't best friends before marriage you can still be best friends now. Treat your spouse as a friend - acknowledge their feelings and opinions and share yours with them. Really strive to communicate with each other: verbally, in writing, and with your body language. Show how much you love them and want to know them. You have the great gift of being let into their person. Prove that you respect that by asking for their ideas and input, by speaking their love language and their language of apology. 

Your marriage doesn't have to be intensely romantic all the time, but it should be a friendship. 

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