
Friday, March 7, 2014

Choose to Love

Make the choice today to show some love. Love your spouse, your friend, your family. Make an effort and it will show. The people you love will feel that love and you'll be surprised to see how much is returned to you. Here's how to do it:

1. Pick someone to love today.

2. See if you can figure out their love language (Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gifts, Acts of Service, or Physical Touch). Hint: how do they usually show love? It's easiest to love in our own love language, so that's an easy way to guess someone's love language.

3. Plan how to love them using their love language. Spend some time together (coffee date?) if their love language is Quality Time. Tell them how amazingly they do X, Y, and Z if they respond to Words of Affirmation. Give them a gift (doesn't matter how small it is - a freshly picked flower or a special treat) if you think their love language is Gifts. Help them out (wash the dishes? walk the dog?) if they usually perform Acts of Service for you. Offer them a back rub or give them a hug if you think they prefer Physical Touch

4. Watch them responding to your love! 

What helps you in making the choice to love? What have been your favorite random acts of love? 

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