
Monday, February 3, 2014

The Happiness Project: February Goals

The theme for February is Health. Through the last couple of years my health has taken a dive. I've been stressed and busy finishing school and getting married. My life has finally smoothed out and I am in a set routine! I want to take advantage of this and get healthier and lose weight. It's so disheartening to look at pictures and just see the weight adding on! So I'm going to be attempting to introduce some healthy habits this month with the following goals:

  • Exercise - I want to get a set exercise schedule and routines set up so that it's easier for me to get exercises in on a regular basis. I'm hoping to work up to every other day. 
  • Increasing Up Time - I KNOW I am not active enough, but besides exercise sessions I want to work on just being UP! 
  • Water, Water, Water - I don't actually drink very many non-water beverages, but I can always drink more water and I'm hoping drinking more will help with the health of my skin especially.
  • Nutrition - I never manage to eat enough fruits and veggies and I'm sure there are a lot of other areas I need to improve on as well.
Well that's definitely a lot to work on! I almost don't have high hopes of actually improving this month, but if I can set myself up to improve that would be a success.

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